object Form1: TForm1 Left = 594 Top = 114 BorderStyle = bsNone ClientHeight = 181 ClientWidth = 343 Color = clBlack Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] PopupMenu = Popup PrintScale = poNone Scaled = False OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object miniplay: TImage Left = 464 Top = 376 Width = 11 Height = 13 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object ministop: TImage Left = 432 Top = 376 Width = 11 Height = 13 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object minipause: TImage Left = 448 Top = 376 Width = 11 Height = 13 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object scrollmove: TImage Left = 384 Top = 408 Width = 29 Height = 13 end object scrollnorm: TImage Left = 384 Top = 376 Width = 29 Height = 13 end object volplopput: TImage Left = 384 Top = 424 Width = 10 Height = 10 end object volploppin: TImage Left = 384 Top = 440 Width = 10 Height = 10 end object DropPanel1: TDropPanel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 313 Height = 179 BevelOuter = bvNone Color = clBlack TabOrder = 0 OnFileDrop = FileDrop object mainpic: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 281 Height = 179 Picture.Data = {} PopupMenu = Popup OnDblClick = mainpicDblClick OnDragDrop = mainpicDragDrop OnDragOver = mainpicDragOver OnMouseDown = mainpicMouseDown OnMouseMove = mainpicMouseMove OnMouseUp = mainpicMouseUp end object loadpic: TImage Left = 183 Top = 122 Width = 14 Height = 16 Hint = 'Open' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = loadpicClick OnMouseMove = loadpicMouseMove end object playpic: TImage Left = 16 Top = 114 Width = 43 Height = 25 OnClick = playpicClick OnMouseMove = playpicMouseMove end object stoppic: TImage Left = 66 Top = 114 Width = 43 Height = 25 OnClick = stoppicClick OnMouseMove = stoppicMouseMove end object pausepic: TImage Left = 116 Top = 114 Width = 43 Height = 25 OnClick = pausepicClick OnMouseMove = pausepicMouseMove end object acttime: TLabel Left = 167 Top = 72 Width = 33 Height = 19 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = '0:00' Font.Color = clAqua Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True OnDblClick = acttimeDblClick end object doing: TImage Left = 204 Top = 75 Width = 11 Height = 13 AutoSize = True Picture.Data = {} end object plpic: TImage Left = 197 Top = 112 Width = 14 Height = 16 Hint = 'Playlist' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = plpicClick OnMouseMove = plpicMouseMove end object minipic: TImage Left = 196 Top = 147 Width = 14 Height = 16 Hint = 'Minimize' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = minipicClick OnMouseMove = minipicMouseMove end object infopic: TImage Left = 210 Top = 122 Width = 14 Height = 16 Hint = 'Song Information' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = infopicClick OnMouseMove = infopicMouseMove end object labeltime: TLabel Left = 201 Top = 57 Width = 29 Height = 14 Hint = 'Duration' Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = '(0:00)' Font.Color = clYellow Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True Transparent = True end object labelchannel: TLabel Left = 168 Top = 36 Width = 26 Height = 15 Alignment = taCenter Caption = 'Stereo' Font.Color = clLime Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial Narrow' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True end object plopp: TImage Left = 137 Top = 66 Width = 5 Height = 5 AutoSize = True ParentShowHint = False Picture.Data = {} ShowHint = False end object s1pic: TImage Left = 34 Top = 152 Width = 20 Height = 14 Hint = 'Previous Song' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = s1picClick OnMouseMove = s1picMouseMove end object s2pic: TImage Left = 61 Top = 152 Width = 20 Height = 14 OnClick = s2picClick OnMouseMove = s2picMouseMove end object s3pic: TImage Left = 91 Top = 152 Width = 20 Height = 14 OnClick = s3picClick OnMouseMove = s3picMouseMove end object s4pic: TImage Left = 118 Top = 152 Width = 20 Height = 14 Hint = 'Next Song' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = s4picClick OnMouseMove = s4picMouseMove end object exitpic: TImage Left = 226 Top = 6 Width = 14 Height = 14 OnClick = exitpicClick OnMouseMove = exitpicMouseMove end object modepic: TImage Left = 212 Top = 6 Width = 14 Height = 14 OnClick = modepicClick OnMouseMove = modepicMouseMove end object compacttext: TLabel Left = 40 Top = 8 Width = 21 Height = 14 Caption = '0:00' Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True Transparent = True end object compactstatus: TImage Left = 112 Top = 8 Width = 11 Height = 13 end object winampoptions: TImage Left = 10 Top = 22 Width = 8 Height = 43 OnClick = winampoptionsClick end object ampshuffle: TImage Left = 164 Top = 89 Width = 47 Height = 15 OnClick = ampshuffleClick end object amprepeat: TImage Left = 210 Top = 89 Width = 28 Height = 15 OnClick = amprepeatClick end object mainmenu: TImage Left = 6 Top = 6 Width = 14 Height = 14 Hint = 'Menu' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = mainmenuClick OnMouseMove = mainmenuMouseMove end object ampeq: TImage Left = 220 Top = 58 Width = 22 Height = 12 OnClick = ampeqClick OnMouseMove = ampeqMouseMove end object monostereo: TImage Left = 213 Top = 41 Width = 55 Height = 12 end object freqpic: TImage Left = 156 Top = 43 Width = 10 Height = 6 end object bitpic: TImage Left = 111 Top = 43 Width = 15 Height = 6 end object cdpic: TImage Left = 183 Top = 138 Width = 14 Height = 16 Hint = 'Toggle CD-Player' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = cdpicClick OnMouseMove = cdpicMouseMove end object eqpic: TImage Left = 144 Top = 154 Width = 25 Height = 25 Hint = 'Equalizer' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = eqpicClick OnMouseMove = eqpicMouseMove end object audiopic: TImage Left = 168 Top = 154 Width = 25 Height = 25 Hint = 'Audio Manager' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = audiopicClick OnMouseMove = audiopicMouseMove end object prefspic: TImage Left = 210 Top = 138 Width = 14 Height = 16 Hint = 'Preferences' ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnClick = prefspicClick OnMouseMove = prefspicMouseMove end object repeatpic: TImage Left = 32 Top = 162 Width = 33 Height = 17 OnClick = repeatpicClick end object shufflepic: TImage Left = 8 Top = 162 Width = 41 Height = 17 OnClick = shufflepicClick end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 8 Top = 38 Width = 116 Height = 13 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Panel1' Color = clBlack PopupMenu = Popup TabOrder = 0 object namepic: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 400 Height = 16 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True end object labelname: TLabel Left = 3 Top = -1 Width = 101 Height = 14 Caption = ' WPlay v1.60 beta 4' Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowAccelChar = False ShowHint = True Transparent = True end end object winampcounter: TPanel Left = 26 Top = 26 Width = 73 Height = 13 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'winampcounter' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 1 object counterpic: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 73 Height = 13 OnDblClick = counterpicDblClick end end object scrollpic: TPanel Left = 48 Top = 56 Width = 25 Height = 17 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'scrollpic' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 2 object scrollpicture: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 29 Height = 21 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True OnMouseDown = scrollpictureMouseDown OnMouseMove = scrollpictureMouseMove OnMouseUp = scrollpictureMouseUp end end object colorvol: TPanel Left = 107 Top = 57 Width = 68 Height = 13 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'colorvol' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 3 object colorvolume: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 68 Height = 14 end end object volpic: TPanel Left = 24 Top = 80 Width = 17 Height = 17 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'volpic' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 4 object volpicture: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 14 Height = 17 Picture.Data = {} OnMouseDown = volpictureMouseDown OnMouseMove = volpictureMouseMove OnMouseUp = volpictureMouseUp end end object colorbal: TPanel Left = 177 Top = 57 Width = 38 Height = 13 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'colorbal' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 5 object colorbalance: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 38 Height = 14 end end object balpic: TPanel Left = 80 Top = 80 Width = 17 Height = 17 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'balpic' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 6 object balpicture: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 14 Height = 11 Picture.Data = {} OnMouseDown = balpictureMouseDown OnMouseMove = balpictureMouseMove OnMouseUp = balpictureMouseUp end end object Panelhigh: TPanel Left = 134 Top = 4 Width = 10 Height = 6 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'object chighpic: TImage' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 7 object chighpic: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 10 Height = 6 end end object Panellow: TPanel Left = 147 Top = 4 Width = 10 Height = 6 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Panellow' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 8 object clowpic: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 10 Height = 6 end end object Panelmove: TPanel Left = 227 Top = 4 Width = 3 Height = 7 BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = 'Panelmove' Color = clBlack TabOrder = 9 object imagemove: TImage Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 3 Height = 7 OnMouseDown = imagemoveMouseDown OnMouseMove = imagemoveMouseMove OnMouseUp = imagemoveMouseUp end end end object OpenDialog: TOpenDialog FileEditStyle = fsEdit Filter = 'MPx files and PlayLists|*.mpg;*.mp1;*.mp2;*.mp3;*.m3u;*.pls;*.dm' + 'p' Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist] Title = 'Open MP3 or Playlist' Left = 200 Top = 16 end object Popup: TPopupMenu Left = 80 Top = 8 object AboutWPlay1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About WPlay...' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = AboutWPlay1Click end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object Loadfile1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Load...' ShortCut = 76 OnClick = Loadfile1Click end object URL1: TMenuItem Caption = '&URL...' ShortCut = 16460 OnClick = URL1Click end object PlayAudioCD1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Play Audio &CD' ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = PlayAudioCD1Click end object Recent1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Recent Files' ShortCut = 0 object N11: TMenuItem Caption = '1.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N11Click end object N21: TMenuItem Caption = '2.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N21Click end object N31: TMenuItem Caption = '3.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N31Click end object N41: TMenuItem Caption = '4.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N41Click end object N51: TMenuItem Caption = '5.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N51Click end object N61: TMenuItem Caption = '6.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N61Click end object N71: TMenuItem Caption = '7.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N71Click end object N81: TMenuItem Caption = '8.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N81Click end object N91: TMenuItem Caption = '9.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N91Click end object N101: TMenuItem Caption = '10.' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = N101Click end end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object Playlist1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Playlist Editor' ShortCut = 80 OnClick = Playlist1Click end object FileIn1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Song &Information' ShortCut = 73 OnClick = FileIn1Click end object Equalizer1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Equalizer' ShortCut = 69 OnClick = Equalizer1Click end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object CompressionManager1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Audio Compressor' ShortCut = 32835 OnClick = CompressionManager1Click end object AudioGrabber1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Audio Grabber' ShortCut = 32839 OnClick = AudioGrabber1Click end object Convert1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Decode to WAV' ShortCut = 32855 OnClick = Convert1Click end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object Preferences1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' ShortCut = 0 object Setup1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Preferences...' ShortCut = 32848 OnClick = Setup1Click end object Texture1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Texture (WinAmp Skin) ...' ShortCut = 32852 OnClick = Texture1Click end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object repeat1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Repeat' Checked = True ShortCut = 82 OnClick = repeat1Click end object random1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Shuffle' ShortCut = 83 OnClick = random1Click end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object AlwaysOnTop: TMenuItem Caption = 'Always On Top' ShortCut = 16468 OnClick = AlwaysOnTopClick end object EasyMove: TMenuItem Caption = 'Easy Move' ShortCut = 16461 OnClick = EasyMoveClick end object CoolBarMode: TMenuItem Caption = 'Cool Bar Mode' ShortCut = 16450 OnClick = CoolBarModeClick end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object Timeelapsed: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show Time Elapsed' Checked = True ShortCut = 16453 OnClick = TimeelapsedClick end object TimeRemaining: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show Time Remaining' ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = TimeRemainingClick end end object Playback1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Play&back' ShortCut = 0 object Play1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Play' ShortCut = 88 OnClick = Play1Click end object Stop1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Stop' ShortCut = 67 OnClick = Stop1Click end object Pause1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Pa&use (Resume)' ShortCut = 86 OnClick = Pause1Click end object NextSong1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Next Song' ShortCut = 66 OnClick = NextSong1Click end object PreveousSong1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Previous Song' ShortCut = 90 OnClick = PreveousSong1Click end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object N10sec1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Jump 10 seconds -->' ShortCut = 39 OnClick = N10sec1Click end object N10sec2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Jump 10 seconds <--' ShortCut = 37 OnClick = N10sec2Click end end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' ShortCut = 0 end object Exit2: TMenuItem Caption = 'E&xit' ShortCut = 0 OnClick = Exit2Click end end object Timer1: TTimer Interval = 750 OnTimer = Timer1Timer Left = 48 Top = 8 end object Timer2: TTimer Interval = 250 OnTimer = Timer2Timer Left = 112 Top = 8 end end